Glucose and xylose contents in sugarcane
bagasse hydrolysate at different H2SO4
concentrations were shown in Figure 5. An
increase in glucose and xylose concentrations
were observed when H2SO4 concentration
was increased from 0.25 to 1% (v/v) but the
xylose concentration slightly decreased
when 1% (v/v) acid was used. The highest
glucose content obtained was 7.8 g/l when
1% (v/v) H2SO4 was used to hydrolyze
sugarcane bagasse whereas the highest
xylose content was 45.8 g/l when 0.75%
(v/v) H2SO4 was used. An increase in acid
concentration in the acid hydrolyzing could
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2014; 41(1) 67
provide a strong or complete reaction for
breaking down the chemical bonds inside
sugarcane bagasse achieving sugars in the
hydrolysate [14]. This result shows that
xylose released was much higher than
glucose released from acid hydrolysis