Participants were eligible if they were: (1) born
in Africa; (2) age 18 or over; and (3) can speak and
read English or French. Through non-probability
sampling, 13 women and 12 men (about half
unscreened and half screened for each sex) were
recruited to participate in the semi-structured indepth
interviews. Researchers worked closely with
African Services Committee, a non-profit community-
based organization based in Harlem, New York
that provides health and social services to African
immigrants, to identify potential participants. Participants
also were recruited from other community
sites. Due to loss to follow-up, only 10 women
(5 screened, 5 unscreened) completed the in-depth
interviews. All 12 men completed (6 screened, 6
unscreened). Participants received a $30 gift card
for their participation and were recruited until saturation
was achieved. Interviewers obtained written
informed consent prior to each interview. The
45-minute interviews were audio-recorded and
professionally transcribed. Participants also completed
a self-reported questionnaire about their
demographic characteristics. All interviews were
conducted by bilingual interviewers (French and
English) and participants had the option of participating
in French or English. Although many
participants were also bilingual in French, all 22
participants chose to complete the interview in